söndag 28 februari 2010
lördag 27 februari 2010
Lost focus
I feel I've lost a little on my focus the last weeks. Plans give in for emotion and feelings, and more drinks and ass-shakin' then in a long time. But there is something good in everything I guess. Next week it's time to shift gears, start running again, back to the Thaiboxing etc.
But tonight we look forward to our friends gig, and hopefully he'll be as good as Andreas Grega in some time. He sure has the talent... and so does grega.
But tonight we look forward to our friends gig, and hopefully he'll be as good as Andreas Grega in some time. He sure has the talent... and so does grega.
torsdag 25 februari 2010
tisdag 23 februari 2010
Känner mig ganska klassisk. Jag ska berätta varför...
Jag föll för en artist här om veckan, men jag tankade inte hem albumet. Istället blev jag medlem på Amazon.com, och beställde hem skivan från USA. 50kr i frakt och 30kr för skivan som är en EP(ej fulländat album, 5 låtar). Fett värt, och nu behöver jag inte ha dåligt samvete när jag laddar hem annat ett par ggr nu.
Inte, säger ni? Ska förklara. Eftersom jag nu hjälpt en artist som är på uppgång som artist så har jag boostat min karma med typ + 100. Om vi säger att varje album med typ britney spears, metallica eller liknande ger mig - 1 i Karma(eftersom dem är så kända å rika iaf) så går jag ju på +-0 om 100 album!

Jaja iallafall. Lissie - Why you runnin' EPn är sjukt fin och bra. 5 av 5 majskolvar från mississippi
Jag föll för en artist här om veckan, men jag tankade inte hem albumet. Istället blev jag medlem på Amazon.com, och beställde hem skivan från USA. 50kr i frakt och 30kr för skivan som är en EP(ej fulländat album, 5 låtar). Fett värt, och nu behöver jag inte ha dåligt samvete när jag laddar hem annat ett par ggr nu.
Inte, säger ni? Ska förklara. Eftersom jag nu hjälpt en artist som är på uppgång som artist så har jag boostat min karma med typ + 100. Om vi säger att varje album med typ britney spears, metallica eller liknande ger mig - 1 i Karma(eftersom dem är så kända å rika iaf) så går jag ju på +-0 om 100 album!
Jaja iallafall. Lissie - Why you runnin' EPn är sjukt fin och bra. 5 av 5 majskolvar från mississippi
500 days of Summer
måndag 22 februari 2010
-22' degrees and the trains aint working. A trip to school usually taking aprox. 1 hour took me 2,5h this morning. Missed out to the max, even the microwave queue was enormous when I arrived. Thus leading to me eating my food cold. FUCK THAT!
Today I give you 2 videos that pretty sum up the rebelious vibe going on right now. Just wanna burn down this damn company headquarter!
Today I give you 2 videos that pretty sum up the rebelious vibe going on right now. Just wanna burn down this damn company headquarter!
lördag 20 februari 2010
fredag 19 februari 2010
Justice, Ed banger 7th anniversary
Close your eyes, and if you weren't there. Pretend you were. Awsome! Sweet Dreams
torsdag 18 februari 2010
Today has been a rough day, no doubt. Woke up earlier then I've done the last couple of weeks, had a 3 hour test at University. Did good, I hope. No idea, the long 3 week wait for the results.
Anyway, back home, drop some mad cash at the supermarket, nigguz gotta eat aight? Cook it up, bake that shit, then off training hard for 2 hours... Back now and the only thing I feel like doing is listening to this deep beat hiphop.
Roots Manuva - Strange behaviour
Anyway, back home, drop some mad cash at the supermarket, nigguz gotta eat aight? Cook it up, bake that shit, then off training hard for 2 hours... Back now and the only thing I feel like doing is listening to this deep beat hiphop.
Roots Manuva - Strange behaviour
tisdag 16 februari 2010
Added 2 new blogs to my "blogs I like"-list.
Julia, a mix of inspiration,photography and personal life
Bloggystyle... A little bit of everything, I like the photos(sometimes), and the economic tips are good too. This blog is in swedish though!
Check them out!
Julia, a mix of inspiration,photography and personal life
Bloggystyle... A little bit of everything, I like the photos(sometimes), and the economic tips are good too. This blog is in swedish though!
Check them out!
sound of today II, and into the future...
Okey, I'm getting some work done, some not. But hey, here is a live performance with Staygold and Robyn. Better keep an eye open, this is kinda funky, kinda relaxed and kinda everything.
Sound of today
Reggaevibes i min plugg-stuga idag. Bjuder på en sound of today. Peter Tosh - Equal rights(and justice.)
måndag 15 februari 2010
söndag 14 februari 2010
lördag 13 februari 2010
I've had a break from this Tv-show for about 5 months now, did not see season 6 befor going to Thailand. And how good isn't that? All the fun times with Vince and the gang infront of me! Trust me, this can really be a study-ruiner...
And definetly a mood-lifter!
And definetly a mood-lifter!
A link to Lissie again, just because she's so goddamn beautyful and has the sweetest of voices!

Photo: Andrew Calder
You can buy her EP on Amazon.com for anyone intressted.
Just placed my order some minutes ago!

Photo: Andrew Calder
You can buy her EP on Amazon.com for anyone intressted.
Just placed my order some minutes ago!
Study, study, study. But of course it's easier to say you're gonna study, than actually doing it.
I will try, and I will try my best. After dinner.... And after I checked that cool blogg that recently updated... Or maybe after a Swedish Olympic medal is won? I don't know...
I will try, and I will try my best. After dinner.... And after I checked that cool blogg that recently updated... Or maybe after a Swedish Olympic medal is won? I don't know...
fredag 12 februari 2010
Svensk civilpolis trakasserar Sl-resenärer
torsdag 11 februari 2010
Friday plans
The plans for this weekend are very scarce, but I think two friends and a case of beer could make tomorrow evening nice anyway. Since I'm training saturday morning it will hopefully turn out a nice relaxed, slacking evening.
I have taken sight on Brooklyn Lager at the liqour store, but not more than 1,2,3,4 beers allright?

A happy weekend to everyone!
I have taken sight on Brooklyn Lager at the liqour store, but not more than 1,2,3,4 beers allright?

A happy weekend to everyone!
No electro but,
one of the fatest songs in my playlist at the moment. This one really gets me into a groovy thug gangsta mode, ready for action! Bring the Big Guns!
Bumpy Knuckles - 81 bars of Murder(Guru & Cormega diss)
Bumpy Knuckles - 81 bars of Murder(Guru & Cormega diss)
onsdag 10 februari 2010
Study Study, finaly the money came. Now I'm game for most things, but no alcohol this weekend. It's time to get dat flex up!
tisdag 9 februari 2010
Lack of money
A drastic change in my life was to start studying. No money no honey, how em I now to buy the fantastic clothes I want to add to my wardrobe?
Im to bad with photoshop to give you acollage of pictures, but this is what I'm aiming for this spring season:
- A nice pair of shoes in semi-brown leather
- A cream white chinos-pant
- A pair of new sneakers, I have my eyes on a clean one from Adidas originals.(Navy blue with brown sole)
- A couple of cardigans from H&M(basic)... I shrinked 3 pairs near the end of last year.READ THE TAG!
- A "tote bag" or the simular. Herr Judits will release their own bag this spring, of course I am aiming for the Navy blue with brown/leather details. This will go perfect to the shoes!
Thank you for reading,
Im to bad with photoshop to give you acollage of pictures, but this is what I'm aiming for this spring season:
- A nice pair of shoes in semi-brown leather
- A cream white chinos-pant
- A pair of new sneakers, I have my eyes on a clean one from Adidas originals.(Navy blue with brown sole)
- A couple of cardigans from H&M(basic)... I shrinked 3 pairs near the end of last year.READ THE TAG!
- A "tote bag" or the simular. Herr Judits will release their own bag this spring, of course I am aiming for the Navy blue with brown/leather details. This will go perfect to the shoes!
Thank you for reading,
lördag 6 februari 2010
Sound of Saturdaynight @ home.
When I grow up
I want to live near the sea
Crab Claws and bottles of rum
That's what I'll have
Staring at the seashell
Waiting for it to embrace me
Lovely, Fever Ray - when I grow up
I want to live near the sea
Crab Claws and bottles of rum
That's what I'll have
Staring at the seashell
Waiting for it to embrace me
Lovely, Fever Ray - when I grow up
torsdag 4 februari 2010
14th poetry
If she for whom I travail,
Should still be cold to me,
The birds sing unavailing,
Tis' winter still for me...
Should still be cold to me,
The birds sing unavailing,
Tis' winter still for me...
onsdag 3 februari 2010
Another day, another commutertrain chaos in Stockholm... Geez, it is hard to belive we pay for this shit service. I hear it's been going on the whole winter. Seems like the big guns in SL doesn't spend many winters in Sweden, hence not knowing the weather?
Vacation in St. Barths anyone? FUCK THIS!
Vacation in St. Barths anyone? FUCK THIS!
tisdag 2 februari 2010
What a way to waste a day
If you'd ask me how my day have been I'd probably answer: -"very unproductive"...
It's not completly true though, I have done a lot. If you could call searching the internet for answers to questions yet to be asked, a lot? This took me approximetly 7 hours.v
I did paint on a unfinished painting too, and I did listen to Beck's "Sea Change" album over and over. But I did not do any studying, which was to be the big goal of the day. But well, what can you do when you lack motivation and the underlying feeling in your head is "relationship-end mourning"...
It's not completly true though, I have done a lot. If you could call searching the internet for answers to questions yet to be asked, a lot? This took me approximetly 7 hours.v
I did paint on a unfinished painting too, and I did listen to Beck's "Sea Change" album over and over. But I did not do any studying, which was to be the big goal of the day. But well, what can you do when you lack motivation and the underlying feeling in your head is "relationship-end mourning"...
Får man säga att man skarpt gillar Kissie? Så jävla skön!
Dessie förvånar, tjejen kan ju faktiskt prata. Sen sitter Paow där och ser allmänt söt ut, my god, bloggtjejer är fan häftigare än man tror!
Här har ni henne hos Aschberg på TV8:
Dessie förvånar, tjejen kan ju faktiskt prata. Sen sitter Paow där och ser allmänt söt ut, my god, bloggtjejer är fan häftigare än man tror!
Här har ni henne hos Aschberg på TV8:
måndag 1 februari 2010
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